Our lab staff and on call veterinarians our able to provide quarantine services to new animal acquisitions.
Quarantine opportunities are available for all new animal acquisitions, rehabilitation, and repurpose services. To set up the quarantine, our team will work with your husbandry and veterinarian staff to ensure the animals follow the quarantine protocols you desire. During quarantine, our trained lab staff, on site biologists, and on call veterinarians will provide regular updates on the status and health of the animals.
Through our partnership with other Segrest Inc. locations, we’re able to offer a wide variety of animals to public aquaria. Our categories include; freshwater, marine, reptiles, bird, and small mammals. Our global supply chains are short, traceable, and sustainable. We work directly with our supplier partners to ensure that the animals are provide with necessary and appropriate care throughout the entire supply chain.
Whether you’re an animal rescue organization or a public aquaria facility that needs additional space, we have the space and capacity to rehabilitate aquatic animals of all types. Under the watch of lab staff, biologists, and veterinarians, we ensure that the animals are properly diagnosed, treated, and cared for while staying at our Aquatica facility.
For aquatic animals that need to be housed separately due to injury or threat of injury, we have holding systems that can be modified for all scenarios. Our on-site biologists, lab staff, and on call veterinarians will work directly with your husbandry and veterinary teams to ensure proper care if provide to the animals throughout their stay at Aquatica.
Whether for long term housing or to be transferred to a different facility, our systems are able to house aquatic animals that are no longer fit for public display. Our team of biologists and lab staff will work directly with your husbandry staff and veterinarians to ensure that the animals are cared for properly. Our vast nationwide network can help find new homes for retired animals or we can hold the animals indefinitely at our Aquatica location.
Temporary holding systems can be set up for aquatic animals that are being repurposed internally or for animals awaiting transfer to another institution. Each of our systems are able to be modified to meet the specific needs of the species being housed under our care and our dedicated team will work directly with your husbandry staff and the new institution’s staff. Once the animals are ready to be transferred, we have the ability to transport animals all across the nation use safe and secure transport methods.